Recycling ends trash and trash cans. Moving trash around doesn’t look like genius. NASA feeding the hungry and housing the homeless looks genius. Stop trying to trash the planet. This is God’s kingdom?
When do we become the geniuses we claim to be? Recycling is the next step to a future that lives forever. To a living loving creator trying to burn each other in hell must look stupid. Recycle everything seems closer to reality then blowing up nuclear bombs under the earth’s surface. But here on earth, we seem to get away with both without the populace raising a brow. And those that would fight atrocity are swept aside, so in-charge leadership can push us around and rape us when they need more from their tortuous behaviors.
Make an Informed Decision
Hemp marijuana provides food clothing shelter and medicine. What a plant? The next trillion dollar industry, if we don’t annihilate ourselves by our own genius.
Hemp is supposed to be cut down. Trees aren’t supposed to be cut down. And Dupont makes synthetic wood. Maybe they can help with making hemp wood.
American Spirit Tobacco Company doesn’t throw away anything in their facility or plant. They recycle 100% of the material that comes through their doors. I read in on the back of their cigarette pack.
Death Out of Business
Reality and freedom is unlimited riches. End the scam sham. Death is out of business.
Make an informed decision. Get together. Ask questions? Find answers. Seek truth. Live forever. Life is revealed in light.