Robert Brown
Tuesday 03.05.2019
Did the Internet come about because of how the trees network via root system? Do trees network via root system?
How do you connect to the world around you?
Do you believe you are only flesh and blood? Do you think you are going to die?
Do you get good information from your friends and family? Is your world telling you the truth?
Are you supposed to die? Are you supposed to get sick?
If sickness and death didn’t exist today, how many businesses would not be in business?
Hi. I am Bob. Nice to meet you. What’s your name?
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I give Kung Fu classes over at I offer healing services that make you happy as well.
What does it take for you to make an informed decision? How much does civilization and society including family and community skew your decision? Do you only act to fit in? Or, do you have a solid purpose for life? Is your life eternal?
Do you like the amount and content of the information available? Does it cost you money to access the information you want the most?
Why are you alive?
Do you like to solve problems? Do you like to tell people what to do?
In-charge leadership destroys thinking. Everyone is in-charge of everybody. …And you can only do a limited number of things. It seems to increase, the things you can do, with more money, but you are a slave to a weird world with locked doors and little treasures that state your worth, rather then your creator.
If there is some type of authority, it must be stupid people that want to know how to be God better than they know their self. What does a civilization that is 3 billion years old think of mortals playing God on planet Earth?
Does I love you say anything anymore?